
Begins Here

A united family of revival…

We are a movement of sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, family and friends who desire first and foremost that the presence of God would have a dwelling place among us. We unite as one for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our campuses, in our churches and communities, and upon our generation.

Everything Begins With Prayer.

Connecting with the very heart of God for your campus, church or community. Awakening to the dreams of God for our generation.

Prayer Leads to Revival.

Not just any kind of prayer can awaken the human heart.

We must be awakened from our slumber, from our complacency, from our apathy.

Until the very cries of heaven become ours.

Revival Must Lead to Family.

In order to be sustainable, it’s not enough to have a moment of breakthrough, a moment of resurrection life surging through our being.

It must become a way of life. With a community of people. With a culture and a DNA of revival in all that we do.